• Hina Dolls, Kokin bina Type


Hina Dolls, Kokin bina Type

Museum No.
京風古今雛 Image

What makes these different from some other hina dolls on view here? Note the inset glass eyes and the accurate court garments. The empress doll wears lavishly embroidered robes. These are an example of Kokin bina, a type of doll developed in the 1770s by an Edo (Tokyo) dollmaker named Hara Shūgetsu.


Title Hina Dolls, Kokin bina Type
Category Textiles (I), Dolls
Country Japan
Period Edo
Century 19th
Year Around the year 1853
Dimensions Height 34.5cm Height 25.5cm
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Signature/Seals Etc
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