- Fragment of the Shosoku Edition of a Letter from the Moshiogusa Album of Exemplary Calligraphy
National Treasure
Fragment of the Shosoku Edition of a Letter from the Moshiogusa Album of Exemplary Calligraphy
- Museum No.
- BK414-237
Showing 1-6 of 1
Title | Fragment of the Shosoku Edition of a Letter from the Moshiogusa Album of Exemplary Calligraphy |
Designation | National Treasure |
Artist | Attributed to Hojo Masako |
Category | Calligraphy (B), Japanese Calligraphy, Nara-Kamakura Calligraphy |
Country | Japan |
Period | Kamakura |
Century | |
Year | |
Quantity | |
Materials | |
Dimensions | Height 29.1cm Width 7.6cm |
Inscription by | |
Signature/Seals Etc | |
Donor |
Included Works
Moshiogusa (Brinish Seaweed) Album of Exemplary Calligraphy
BK414Segment of the Yamato (Daishomu) Edition of Kangukyo Sutra, Volume 5 from the Moshiogusa Album of E
BK414-1Segment of the Amida-in Edition of Chu Dainehangyo (Nirvana Sutra with Commentary) from the Moshiog
BK414-2Segment of the Torishitae Edition of Myohorengekyo (Lotus Sutra), Volume 4, from the Moshiogusa Alb
BK414-3Segment of the Izumo Edition of Daihoshakkyo (Tabaojijing) Sutra, Volume 46, from the Moshiogusa Al
BK414-4Segment of the Enzan Edition of a Copied Sutra from the Moshiogusa Album of Exemplary Calligraphy
BK414-5Segment of the Iimuro (Shoman) Edition of the Shoman Shishiku Ichijo Daihoben Hokokyo (Srimala-devi
BK414-6Segment of the Hata Edition of a Letter from the Moshiogusa Album of Exemplary Calligraphy
BK414-7Segment of the Renga Edition of Bussetsu Kanmuryo Jubutsukyo (Contemplation Sutra) from the Moshiog
BK414-8Segment of the Tanba (or Settsu) Edition of a Copied Sutra from the Moshiogusa Album of Exemplary C
BK414-9Segment of the Rokuhara Edition of Muryojukyo (The Larger Pure Land Sutra) from the Moshiogusa Albu
BK414-10Segment of the Minase Edition of Shinkokin Wakashu (New Collection of Japanese Poems of Ancient and
BK414-11Segment of the Kiyomizu Edition of Myohorengekyo (Lotus Sutra), Volume 1, from the Moshiogusa Album
BK414-12Segment of the Awa Edition of Shui Wakashu (Collection of Gleanings of Japanese Poems), Volume 11,
BK414-13Segment of the Otehan Edition of a Buddhist Writing from the Moshiogusa Album of Exemplary Calligra
BK414-14Segment of the Tokiwa Edition of a Letter from the Moshiogusa Album of Exemplary Calligraphy
BK414-15Segment of the Kongo-in Edition of a Poetry Collection from the Moshiogusa Album of Exemplary Calli
BK414-16Segment of the Matsuki Edition of a Poetry Collection from the Moshiogusa Album of Exemplary Callig
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